** New Content as of 2 Jun 99 **
This page contains pictures from all over the U.S. Unlike my other pages this one contains pictures donated by other people as well as my own original photos. I have received feedback saying that I do not have enough material here. If you are looking for something specific or have something you would like to donate please let me know.
These first 3 pics were donated by Brewster, you can find his home page at www.stoutriver.com/brewster, thanks for your contribution Brew.
These are possibly my favorite backgrounds I have. The 1st one was taken while at the highest point of the Grand Ridge trail in Olympic National Park, the second one was taken at the Ranger Hole on the Duckabush River, and the last one was taken from a ferry while crossing the Straits of Juan De Fuca between Port Angeles, WA and Victoria, B.C.
These three were taken by me on various trips on or around the Hood Canal, I know that the 2 on the right are very similar but I wanted to give you an option between more sky or more water.
These 3 I had a hard time deciding what to do with. I took them vertically and they don't work well as backgrounds or wallpapers, but I liked them so much I had to post them. If you get a chance let me know what you think...